Index of Topics



Adekokum O.A. et al. 2014. Effect of Time on Perceived Gains from an Undergraduate Research Program.  CBE Life Sciences. Vol. 13, 139–148.

Adedokun, O. A., Bessenbacher, A. B., Parker, L. C., Kirkam, L. L., & Burgess, W. D. 2013. Research skills and STEM undergraduate research students’ aspirations for research careers: Mediating effects of research self-efficacy. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50(8), 940-951. 

Eagen, K. et al. 2014. Making a Difference in Science Education: The Impact of Undergraduate Research Programs. American Educational Research Journal, August 2013, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 683–713.  DOI: 10.3102/0002831213482038.

Gardner, G.H. 2015. Undergraduate Research as an Innovative Learning Experience: Student Perspectives on Professional Impacts. Society for College Science Teachers Monograph.

Haacker, R. 2015. From recruitment to retention.  Nature Geoscience commentary. 8 (577-578).

Linn, M.C. et al. 2015. Undergraduate research experiences: Impact and opportunities. Science, February 2015.

Lopatto, S., 2004.  Survey of Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE): First Findings. CBE: Life Sciences Education.

Morales, D. 2016. Faculty motivation to mentor students through undergraduate research programs: a study of enabling and constraining factors. Research in Higher Education. DOI:10.1007/s11162-016-9435-x.

Russell, S.H. et al. 2007. The Benefits of Undergraduate Research Experiences.  Science, May 2007.



1st GEO REU Workshop in San José, 2011 (titles and PDFs of 48 posters)

2nd GEO REU Workshop in Boulder, CO, 2014 (titles and PDFs for 32 posters)

3rd GEO REU Workshop in Boulder, CO, 2016 (titles and PDFs for 30 posters)


Council for Undergraduate Research (CUR) Publications

These publications are small books that cost between $11 - $65 and can be shipped to you.


Articles from the broader REU community

The Project Ownership Survey: Measuring Differences in Scientific Inquiry Experiences

A Broadly Implementable Research Course in Phage Discovery and Genomics for First-Year Undergraduate Students

Assessment of Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences: A Meeting Report