Our eight labs and programs collectively cover a breadth of research topics in Earth system science, from the effects of the Sun on Earth's atmosphere to the role of the ocean in weather and climate prediction, as well as supporting and training the next-generation of Earth system scientists.
Labs + programs
Excellence across the Earth system
Our labs + programs

Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling (ACOM)
ACOM research focuses on advancing understanding and predictive capability for atmospheric composition and related processes.

Climate & Global Dynamics (CGD)
CGD develops understanding of the Earth system and is a leader of community-developed and community-owned models of the Earth system.

Computational & Information Systems Laboratory (CISL)
CISL is a world leader in supercomputing and cyberinfrastructure, providing services to NSF NCAR, UCAR member universities, and the broader geosciences community.

Education, Engagement & Early-Career Development (EdEC)
EdEC is committed to inspiring, engaging and informing the public about the science going on at NSF NCAR and in our broader scientific community.
Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL)
EOL provides state-of-the-art atmospheric observing systems and support services to the university-based research community for climate, weather, and related Earth system research.

High Altitude Observatory (HAO)
HAO conducts fundamental and applied research in solar-terrestrial physics using observational, theoretical, and numerical methods. Research at HAO extends from the solar core to the surface of the Earth.

Mesoscale & Microscale Meteorology (MMM)
MMM advances the understanding of regional and fine-scale aspects of weather and climate and applies this knowledge to benefit society.

Research Applications Laboratory (RAL)
RAL conducts directed research and engineering to discover solutions to problems relevant to society and facilitates the transfer of our information, expertise, and technology to the public and private sectors.