Workshops by the GEO REU Community
The GEO REU community runs a listserv, holds quarterly telecons, shares resources on this website, and holds oral and poster sessions at the annual fall meeting of the AGU in San Francisco, amongst other things. Join the GEO REU Listserv to stay in touch about upcoming events (telecons, conferences), share resources, and have a go-to community where you can ask questions.
Past Workshops of the GEO REU PI Community:
GEO REU Workshop 2011: Website and link to final report
GEO REU Workshop 2014: Website with resources
GEO REU Workshop 2016: Website with resources
GEO REU Workshop 2018: Website with resources
These workshops are open to interested leaders and managers of REU internship programs. REU sites that are funded by the NSF Geosciences Directorate will receive support to send one representative to the workshop, including travel and registration. Others pay their travel and registration using other funds. For more information, contact Valerie Sloan at