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Posters are organized in alphabetical order. The presenting author's name is in bold.

1. Abbott, D. 2016. Columbia University/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Challenges and Solutions of Running an REU. (OCE)

2. Allen, M., G. Kumi, B. Kumi, and F. Moser. 2016. Evaluating research ethics training in the Maryland Sea Grant REU program. (OCE)

3. Barnes, P., R. Parsons and A. Peters. 2016. The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences REU Program: Tools for Measuring Success. (OCE)

4. Blake, R., J. Liou-Mark, and L. Yuen-Lau. 2016. REU SITE: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Satellite and Ground-Based Remote Sensing at NOAACREST - Expanded Opportunities. (AGS)

5. Bonine, K. and K. Dontsova. 2016. Effective REU at Remote Site: Biosphere 2 Earth Systems Research for Environmental Solutions. (EAR)

6. Bueno Watts, N. and D. Dalbotten. 2016. Translating Research Into Practice Through the Geoscience Alliance. (EAR)

7. Candelmo, A., C. Manfrino, T. Sparke, K. Correia, and S. Whalan. 2016. Little island, Big experience: Research opportunities explore dynamics of coral reef ecosystems in Little Cayman. (OCE)

8. Carmichael, R.H. 2016. DISL REU program: Results of targeted recruitment of minority & underserved students. (OCE)

9. Cottrell, E., E. Hunt, and V. Power. 2016. A Path to Stunning Research Posters. (OCE)

10. Dalbotten, D. 2016. Using Orientation and End-of-Summer Events Effectively to Bookend your REU and Support Students in Meeting their Goals. (EAR)

11. Erdner, D., and B. Walter. 2016. Training and Support Strategies for Less Experienced REU Students. (OCE)

12. Forward, R. and T. Schultz. 2016. REU: Undergraduate Research in Estuarine and Coastal Marine Systems. (OCE)

13. Garza, C., B. Clarkston, and M. Bassett. 2016. Monterey Bay Regional Ocean Science REU: A distributed REU model. (OCE)

14. George, L.A., D. Espinoza, M. Rao, D. Atkinson. 2016. Engaging REU students in understanding science-made versus science-in-the-making with "micro-inquiries." (AGS)

15. Heidelberg, K.B. and D.Y. Kim. 2016. USC Wrigley Institute Coastal Ocean Systems and Sustainability: Partnership Strategies to Enhance the REU experience. (OCE)

16. Heitman, J., M. Vepraskas, and O. Duckworth. 2016. "The Road" to an Undergraduate Research Community. (EAR)

17. Karowe, D. and S. Bertman. 2016. Best Practices for Running an Interdisciplinary REU Program. (AGS)

18. Katz, L., J. Banner, and E. James. 2016. Climate Change Impacts in Semi-Arid Regions: Incorporating Interdisciplinary Activities into the REU Experience. (EAR)

19. Kumar, S. and V. Limpasuvan. 2016. Computing in the Geosciences in the Coastal Carolina Region. (AGS & OCE)

20. LaDue, D. 2016. Using Confusion Graphs to Open Conversations about the Nature of Research. (AGS)

21. Louchouarn, P. and E. Borda. 2016. New REU Site: Goals for Ocean and Coastal Research Experiences for Undergraduates (OCEANUS). (OCE)

22. Morris, A.R., C. MacPherson-Krutsky, D.J. Charlevoix, and B. Bartel. 2016. Internships and UNAVCO: Training the Future Geoscience Workforce Through the NSF GAGE Facility. (UNAVCO)

23. Najjar, R., J. Nese, J. Fuentes, K. Jackson, and B. Pursel. 2016. The Penn State Climate Science Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program. (AGS)

24. Niemi, T.M. and C. Busby. 2016. Splitting Fieldwork and Laboratory Components on an International REU: The Baja Basins REU. (EAR)

25. Schaffer, L. and R. Seitz. 2016. Coastal Marine Science at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. (OCE)

26. Smith, L., A. Gold, S. Anderson, J.Taylor, N. Fierer, and R. Batchelor. 2016. Insights from a summer research program for community college students in Colorado. (EAR)

27. Snow, M. and C. Raftery. 2016. Best Practices in Solar and Space Physics REU programs with the Boulder Solar Alliance. (AGS)

28. Teranes, J.L. 2016. The impact of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography REU site on Increasing diversity in ocean and earth sciences. (OCE)

29. Thieler, K., J. Yoder, and M. Tivey. 2016. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution REU Site. (OCE)

30. Wirth, K.R., J.I. Garver, L. Greer, M. Pollock, R.J. Varga, C.M. Davidson, H.M. Frey, D.K. Hubbard, W.H. Peck, R.A. Wobus, and Keck Geology Consortium Advisory Team. 2016. Improving Undergraduate Research Experiences with an Intentional Mentoring Program: Lessons Learned Through Assessment of Keck Geology Consortium Programs. (EAR)


If you are interested in learning more, please contact Val Sloan.

NSF LogoThis workshop was hosted by UCAR and was funded by the National Science Foundation's Geoscience Directorate.

Date of the event: September 21, 2016 - 5:00pm to September 23, 2016 - 5:00pm